Sunday, November 1, 2009

History Paper Outline (HW #16)

Thesis: Digital representation devices have given society as a whole less of an excuse for it's massive amount of ignorance and the societal failure we currently face.
MAIN IDEA FOR INTRO: Our digital way of life has provided us with a bevy of sources to get information from. We as a society have been to caught up in our selfish ways of life. Although information is available to us we choose to spend our time on facebook, youtube, and following the lives of celebrities. We are the biggest reason for our ignorance. The blame should not be put on anything else but ourselves, although DRD's have contributed to our ignorance they can be used to learn and be used in other ways than the ways we use them therefore we are the biggest reason for our ignorance...

ARGUEMENTS: People are more worried about celebrities and pop culture than the actual significant problems in the world today and thats what they use DRD's for.

People want to confrom to pop culture and they use DRD's do so.

The dominant ideas of our society are not changed with or by DRD's therefore the usage of DRD's is gonna revolve around the dominant ideas of society which are: selfishness, "individualism", etc.

EVIDENCE: The amount of facebook users. The amount of youtube users. The amount of people spending money to vote for american idol. The amount of twitter users. More numerical data for people using using DRD's in selfish or pointless and meaningless ways.


  1. Omar,

    Strong stuff here.

    Your point is that your generation might not be more ignorant than previous ones - but that you have the chance to be the most informed generation ever and to use that awareness and information to address society's failures. And that you all are losing that chance because you're too distracted by celebrity gossip, narcissistic and superficial peer communication, and dumb entertainment.

    This is not exactly what I or others in the class have focused on - you're developing your own angle.

    This was a great sentence, "People want to confrom (sp) to pop culture and they use DRD's do so."

    What are you trying to get at with, "We are the biggest reason for our own ignorance?" Are you saying each individual is to blame? Are you saying each individual's own socialization is to blame? Are you saying each can change when they decide to?

    I think there's important distinctions to be made between blaming individuals and saying that individuals can change.

    After all, people who grow up German end up speaking German - it doesn't make sense to blame them for not speaking Navajo. But once a German realizes that ... well, the analogy is flat but you know what I mean, perhaps.

  2. "We are the biggest reason for our ignorance."
    Even if it sounds so straight forward I really like this as your opening. We as humans have to blame someone right? so why not blame ourselves?

    Arguments, add more!
    I feel you have so much to say. Like Andy said "you're developing your own angle" Which is really good. Keep building off your ideas. Individualism add disembodiment and displacement.

    I'm really looking forward to reading your final essay! XD
    Seriously. I am.

  3. Omar- You have an interesting thesis.

    I think you make a good argument that most people are entranced in pop culture and the media and DRDs and that distracts us from the important things in life. I think this is a valid argument but you could get specific about what is it about pop culture that attract us and what is it really distracting us from, what is so important that the media doesn't want us to see?

    I also think you should take advantage of the sources that we have researched in class, maybe some sources you have in your previous posts, or Feed, or Wall-e.

    This is a good start Omar!- Sandy
