Tuesday, October 27, 2009

HW 15

Omar S. said...
Very good post. (especially cause you mention me haha) I like how you relate the book to our discussions in class and point out what the author is not doing instead of what most people would do and point out what he is doing.

You basically explain that the book is art because it has a deeper message that is not that easy to see on the surface. You go on to talk about how we are so blind to things around us and how we fail to notice many things. You sum it up very well at the end when you say "He's half enlightened with an artistic book." I don't think I can sum it up any better myself.

I think you are completely right that we are oblivious to things around us. Our class maybe less so than others because this is what we are studying but even are class is amazingly ignorant. I also think your spot on when you talk about M.T Anderson is half enlightened. If he can not provide an alternative that actually makes sense he is not fully enlightened, not many people are. However his level of ignorance is much lower than that of the majority of people and most likely ourselves.

I think the best way to develop this is to continue on your points and maybe go a bit deeper. Instead of ending with a question you can pose the question as well as your answer or ideas on the question.

Your post made me wonder what the answer is to fixing our world and in particular our digitalization "issue". Or if there is an answer. I for sure don't have one and I'm wondering if we will come to answer this question as a class. Maybe this is an unanswerable question.

Thanks for the post. Look forward to more.

October 27, 2009 6:40 PM

Omar S. said...
Great post. You break everything down and summarize the article effectively. I read the two shorter ones but your explanation gave me a good feel for this. The response is well written, organized and insightful.

You say that the author gives a lot of unorthodox view points and he basically says the things that we view as bad in our society in terms of digitalization may after all be helpful to us and make us smarter in some sense. You then compare the specific points he makes to your own life for example the point about how video games are not addicting to you but the things you are accustomed to are intriguing to you personally.

Your idea on personal connection and how what we are accustomed to affects what we are "addicted" too is a very good point. It is something that changes for every for example many people may be addicted to t.v and watch it a lot but I myself prefer my Ipod over t.v. I like that you explain the alternate viewpoint the reading is not much different than video games much deeper. I don't think I agree with this but I think it is worth looking at thing alternatively because that is the only way you truly learn and you do a superb job of this.

I think what would develop this post even more would be to make it a bit more personal. I find you explain the author points very well but I think adding some more of your personal thoughts on his idea would make the post a bit better. The analysis is great but I think a bit more reaction would be better.

This post made me consider what I view as important in life in general and in terms of me specifically. This post made me think of how I am similar and different to others and how our society affects what we like and dislike or maybe what we think we like or dislike, I am not sure which. It also obviously made me think of a viewpoint that differed from feed and our previous opinion.

Thanks again for the post. Great job.

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