Monday, November 30, 2009

HW 25 Part 1

Omar S. said...
I like that your story took setting in a place where people don't necessarily act cool or have people around them judging how cool they are. You also showed that plain is cool and having a somewhat normal morning and not really worrying about the thoughts of others is cool. You had a very different and interesting take on the assignment. Nice story.

Omar S. said...
Your story showed the idea that other people have about cool. While you weren't necessarily making fun of the idea of cool you did show someone who was not cool but was thought of as cool by his peers. You showed that the bully who was supposed to be cool in the end really wasn't that cool. Good job

Omar S. said...
I liked how you explained what the character felt as well as how other people saw and thought about him. You portrayed a typical person viewed as cool who thought they were to good for their peers. You then showed how even people who are so arrogant have many insecurities and issues with themselves. The rust issue showed this and in turn the story was much deeper than an average story about someone cool.

Omar S. said...
Good story. You explained the feelings of the characters very well. I like how you narrated the story from the characters point of view and explained it from what he was seeing or feeling. The only thing I would suggest is having more of a conflict or exploring and expanding on the conflict a little more. You left it as a cliff hanger which was pretty good but a bit more prior knowledge before the end would strengthen the story much more. Overall it was a very good story.

Omar S. said...
The story came out good. I like how you showed exactly what you thought was cool instead of trying to make fun of it. It was also interesting since it was in the viewpoint of a boy. I like that your character was cool because he was not arrogant. You also showed that being cute and playing basketball were part of being cool. This story got your idea of cool across well. Good job.

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