Sunday, May 23, 2010

HW 57

It's impossible to tell someone how to raise a child. Its purely opinion there are hardly any facts in how to raise a child. But there are a few general routes that can be taken in terms of how to raise a child. I think that when raising a child it is obviously important to guide the child and help it develop skills in which can be useful in the future. However, having a kid focus on developing skills their entire child hood doesn't broaden the child scope on life. It puts their life in tunnel vision. It is essential to let a kid have the freedom of decision and to grow up by themselves some what. It is truly essential to have a balance between guidance and freedom. The right balance is the tricky part. Having strictly guidance in a childs life has shown to have be seriously dangerous. For example Micheal Jackson or Tiger Woods, were both and tiger woods still is a virtuoso at his craft. However it obvious both of them are severely damaged as people. However achieving virtuosity is impossible with out a full dedication of ones life to the craft they wish to master.

I personally would rather not run the risk potentially destroying a persons life to try to make them great at one particular skill. I think the right way to raise a child is to show the child unconditional love and support them in any of their interests, as long as its not harmful to them(like MMA fighting or something thats just retarded). It's also important to be a bit strict and have order. Lastly a child must be developed academically and socially but also needs to have unstructured time in which the figure things out for themselves. To me it seems raising a child is all about balancing. Every method has its pros and cons and balance of different methods as long as you don't contradict yourself too much seems to be an ideal way to raise a kid. I obviously have no idea what I'm talking about though...I'm only 16.

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