Saturday, May 22, 2010

HW 56

How many friendships do you have that have lasted 10+ years?

Are you accustomed to having short term relationships with many people?

Is it one persons fault to blame when a relationship fails or both people?

Interview 1

1. 1
2. I am accustomed. It so normal and happens so often that you get used to knowing people and then losing connection
3. I think a lot of times the blame is on one persons failure to do something or to hold up their end of the friendship or relationship

1. 2 but one of them I do not speak to much
2. Unfortunately yes. It so common it's unavoidable so you have to learn to live with it.
3. It depends it is both. In my experience both people make mistakes but sometimes one person's mistake can end a friendship or relationship.

1. None. I still know some people from 10 years ago but we aren't close.
2. Yeah but it has always been like that. It so hard to find people you will actually remain close with for a long time.
3. A combination of both. But sometimes connections are lost and it's neither person's fault.

All the answers to these interviews are basically the same. All people hardly have any long term relationships. It is so common to lose friends it's not that big of a deal. It seems that since its so common to lose connections with people that when connections are lost it is just accepted and then people move on. I think if people cared more or made a bigger deal about losing connections it might make a difference in some cases. Obviously that only applies in some cases and the more significant reasons why relationships fail in the first place is still unknown.

In your experience when a relationship fails, is it your own fault?

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