Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hw #52

Human relationships can not be defined by a specific set of rules or ethics or anything of that sort. The reason why it seems virtually impossible to figure out our relationships is because they are never quite the same. There are no patterns that tell us exactly what comes next. However, we seem to think we know how things work and we expect things of other people and for this reason many times we end up greatly disappointed. There are many similarities between the relationships we have with people and it is possible to categorize the kinds of relationships we have. We do see common threads between many of our relationships but we seem to jump to conclusions very quickly without thinking things through. Many of the ways we function in society are in fact a function of society. This meaning that many of us act similarly in relationships because we are taught to. However, we are not all robots and for this reason our relationships can always take an unexpected turn. The unexpected happens quite a lot and every time we are just as surprised as the last time. We are so used to routine and lack of variation that when something out of the ordinary happens we don't know how to react and this is the point at which some relationships fail.

Hardly ever do we think about the world through a different perspective. It seems pretty impossible since no matter what perspective we try to look at things we are looking at things through our perspective of another perspective. We are the main characters of the world in our eyes and everything that happens around us either has to relate to us or is not really that important. Here is another point in which relationships fail. Our selfishness comes from our society and the selfish nature of society preaches. This destroys many relationships because no matter how hard some people try to make things work selfishness is something we all deal with and it can subconciously control us. We are constantly relating things to our selves rather than to the people important to us. We think about someone else decision in how it would affect us before we even begin to think about why this person made a decision or how it is affecting them. We seem to accept that many of our relationships are very short term and we don't seem to make extra efforts to save any relationships we have. It seems that we don't value our relationships as much as we could. Many times we are to caught up in ourselves to value the ones around us who truly do affect the way we feel, the way we act, and much of what we do.

We deny many of the things that are good for us and chase the things that hurt. Although this is pretty cliche it seems to stand true much of the time. We chase after superficiality that will die out easily and we deny the things that can make us happy in the long run. We many times put our relationships second or we make decisions that value and less meaningful or valuable relationship more than one that is valuable and meaningful. We do this because we want what we think is excitement and variety when in fact it hardly ever lasts. We make so many split second decisions and many times they hurt us. It is extremely easy to go through life without ever thinking about it and just going through the motions and doing whatever you are required to or influenced to. It's rare that people step back and think about their lives and how what they do will affect those around them and for that matter themselves in the future. We are to busy worrying about going through the motions of life to think about life and think that maybe these motions we go through are not the right way or the only way to live life.

I don't think there is one right way to live life however there are a few things people should do to evaluate their life and decide what is truly important and meaningful in their lives. I think it is essential to evaluate and understand your situation. To do so you must think critically about your situation why you are in this situation and what got you to this point in life as well as where will this path in life lead you to. Once you begin to understand this or at least think about it you can start to decide if it is what you really want. If you realize you want something different in life realistically think about what could be done to change it and what you would want to focus your life on. If you concur that you enjoy the situation you are in what if any changes would you make to your life to improve your situation in anyways you can?

I think taking a step back and looking at your own life objectively and subjectively is what will put you on the path to understanding why you do the things you do. In turn, this should help you understand your role and your actions in relationships and once you understand your side of a relationship you can proceed to understand the other person in your relationship. If you are confused about yourself it is impossible to understand other people. In many ways one must put themselves first to truly understand or help others.

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