Tuesday, May 18, 2010

HW 55

Research Question - What are the most significant factors that cause our relationships to fail?

Comments for others

I think your question is a good start but if you made it more specific so that your question allowed you to make and argument where you could prove a point with specific evidence it would be better. Maybe your question can be about specific human needs for relationships with other or a human need to connect and how that affects our relationships.

I think your question is pretty strong and is provable by evidence. However it seems a little broad for one paper. There are so many factors that can play into to how relationships work. Maybe you could make your question more specific and focus in on the parts of relationships you find most interesting and what are the significant factors that affect these significant parts of relationships.


This article examines the effects of social media on human relationships. It talks about the effect of T.V and video games and other electronics and how the hurt human relationships. It talks about how much of the social media isolate us from others and puts us in our own world and this causes our connection to other humans to weaken.


This article focuses more on the individual and how a persons qualities affect their social life and their friendships. Its main point is that if a person is more confident in themselves then they will excel in forming close friendships.

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