Saturday, December 26, 2009

HW 31

The person I interviewed was my friend john. I aksed what methods he used to mask himself and portray a cool pose to others and also why he does so. His answer was that he does not try to be cool or seem cool to others. He said he simply does what he likes and although many things he likes come from things around that he sees as cool he does not do things because it is the cool thing to do at the moment. His basic answer was that what makes him cool is that he does things he likes and he does not follow others likes and therefore that is cool about him. I think that this is a pretty standard answer but I also think it is somewhat true. I do believe that some people do things because that is what they truly like but the image that you give off as being cool is something that you put out there for others to accept so in a sense you are doing it for others. I find the idea very confusing.

The different strategies I would say I use to be "cool" would be the way I dress, surronding myself with friends I view as cool, and I guess sports actvities or personal life/activities. I have a deep passion for music and I like to share the music I listen to or the music my friends and people I know make with others. It is something that I talk about alot and the people I am close with know about me. The way I dress would also be another strategy. I dress in a way that I think is cool and other people also like sometimes. I do pay somewhat attention to how I dress but I don't really obsses over it. Also things such as being good at sports, going out outside of school, making jokes, etc. Are other things that give me attention and give me a lok that is cool.

The reason that I do these things is partly because they are what I enjoy to do or at least at this point in time what I enjoy as well as because I am able to surround myself with and be accepted by other people that have similar interests as me and people who I view as cool. I think all of these strategies are about acceptance and a sense of importance.

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