Monday, October 19, 2009

Feed A HW 12

When i first started reading feed I didn't really realize how similar it was to my life and the life of kids in my generation. As I think back on what I read I realize that the life of the teenagers in the book and the life of teenagers now are almost identical. The idea that our generation is so distracted by pop culture that we are unaware of the real problems that are happening around is an idea that is a big focus in the book.

Titus basically represents the majority of the teenagers today. He is focused on what new and cool and is completely distracted by all the advertisements around him. I also noticed that even when he is exposed to problems that are going on around the world by violet, he choose to acknowledge them around her but he would rather ignore them and no think about them. he does the easiest thing which I think most teenagers do today which is since it does not directly affect their lives they decide it's not that important. When we were talking about this in class sandy, John Li, and I were talking about how although we know about the problems around the world and even think about them and take time out of our day and think about the world, it's a whole different step to take action on them. It's not that hard to think about problems and talk about them with others although it is more than what the average teenager does. It is a whole different thing to think about these problems and try to fix them or do something about them as violet tries to do in the book.

I find myself many times thinking about the issues going on around the world and wanting to find out more about things but when it comes down to actually doing something about them that is something I don't do. I think there are more teenagers then people may think who are aware of the problems going on around the world and aren't as ignorant as people may think. But, simply thinking about something wont do much, we have to think and then act to actually do something. This book did an amazing job at getting people to think about the society that we live in although some may not agree with the message of this book. For me this book made me think about what I wasn't doing which is acting on my thoughts and sharing my thoughts more which I think is the case with many people who have a lot of good ideas but do not share them with other for different reasons.

I think that by making this book a tragedy M.T Anderson made it even more realistic and similar to our lives today. I think if he would have made it a happy ending it wouldn't have been as realistic because after all our life is full of tragedies. I do not believe that our life is miserable maybe that is because I have been brainwashed to believe in a fake sense of happiness, this I am not sure of. But even though I believe there is some sort of happiness in life I do understand life is full of tragedies and thats what this book focuses on the tragedy we are facing, the tragedy that most teenagers are to caught up in digital devices and pop culture to realize the real problems around them.

I can't think of a part of feed that is not true in the world today. The whole book and all the symbols used make a lot of sense and are spot on in my opinion. This book was much better then I expected and bought to a deeper level of thinking

1 comment:

  1. Omar- You had a very clear and specific post.

    You were bascially saying that Feed is on point in the analogy, teenagers relate to Titus pretty closely.

    I agree with you where you said that Tobin decided to make the book a traged to make it more realistic. I wrote something along those lines on my blog post as well.

    To devlop this blog post maybe by organizing your paragraphs more concisely. For example, in your second paragraph you have two different ideas, so maybe split that up in two seperate paragraphs.

    To explore your ideas, after reading this book do you think it has/will influence you to change your DRD habits? How do you think that would affect your life?

    I enjoyed reading your post -Sandy
