Sunday, September 27, 2009

video hw

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This was a pretty pointless video. I guess it shows how we basically spend a lot of our time doing very pointless and insignificant things because that is what I'm doing here, nothing. Seeing a video of myself really showed me how pointless what we do with digitalization can be, although it may seem important at times it ends up being very pointless.

I think I would like if my children did not use the Internet and other electronics as much as I did but I think as long as they are doing physical activities that it really isn't that big of a deal.

I think what we do on our digital representation device whatever it may be gives us a sense of false important. The time we spend on these things they seem to be the most important things to us and that is all we are focused on. DRD's give us a somewhat false sense of reality and can mix up our priorities if we allow them to.

I think things such as Wii are just a more extreme way of removing our selves from reality because although you are doing something physically the focus point is a computer and in some ways can be an excuse to use the video game more.


  1. Omar- I like how you were very honest in this post

    You were basically saying that us using these digital representation devices is pointless and holds no significance in our lives.

    When you said that you would not want your kids using technology as much as you do now, but allow them to have a balance between technology and reality, it reminded me of when we went outside to interview people, a hispanic woman said that she only allows her kids to use the computer once their homework is done and only for a certain amount of time.

    In order to develop this post, I would suggest that you maybe expand on the points you make and extenuate them with clear examples or personal experiences.

    I thinky you could further explore your first point, "we basically spend a lot of our time doing very pointless and insignificant things because that is what I'm doing here, nothing." One could argue that although it seems like you are doing nothing, but it is possible that one could be doing something important on the computer even though it doesn't look like it. From the perspective of just looking at the person on the computer and not the actual computer screen it will most likey look like they are doing nothing, as it did in most videos for this assignment.

    Thanks for sharing these intersting points- Sandy

  2. Omar,

    I like how you worded your opinion, if that makes any sense.

    You tell us that technology is not significant in our lives and how different digital products are ranked differently such as the wii. You said how it was just a "more extreme way to remove ourselves from reality".

    You were saying how in the future you wouldn't let your kids on the computer but as long as they were doing physical activities then it was fine. It reminds me of everyone else. I tihnk every other parent says that, "as long as they go out and have a life" something along those lines, you know?

    That last paragraph you wrote seems like it can totally be expanded. I like the point you made when you talked about the wii being "extreme". expand more, connect that to something less "extreme".

    "This was a pretty pointless video. I guess it shows how we basically spend a lot of our time doing very pointless and insignificant things because that is what I'm doing here, nothing." Agreed. You say that these videos are pointless which I agree on. but isn't it also beneficial. I mean before I made this video or this whole unit I never knew how I looked when using the computer, and let me tell you it made me change. wow. that was really corney. But, now on the computer I say what I type instead of staring blankly. I look arond more, I do this and pretend someone is watching me and saying "oh she's not a robot like everyone else". Yes, I use my imagination.

    Thanks for being so honest~

  3. Esther,

    Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you really read what I said and took it deeper.

    So I think you are totally right when you say that you everyone says that it's ok if thier child uses electronics as long as they "have a life." I agree and even though I said this maybe it's like an example showing us that even though we are aware of the problems we may not be able to make that much of a change. maybe?

    I try to do the same thing as you do when I am on the computer, I'm talking about not trying to look like that much of a dumbass and robotic and stuff. It's kind of hard not to look stupid though no matter how much I try, I fail. Your comment helped me think more about what I meant when I was talking about the Wii and it being an extreme disconnection from reality.

    So I agree with you in what you said and I think were on the same level.

    Thanks for the comment :)

  4. Sandy,

    Thanks for the comment you made some good points, and provided a counter to what I was saying, thats cool cause most people just agree.

    So again your comment was helpful in providing a opposing view point saying what we are doing might actually be useful and not pointless although it may look like it. I appreciate that and it made me think.

    I think that your right that it can many time look pointless and not be. However I think the majority of the people in our generation use electronical stuff for mainly unneccessary things. For example right now I'm doing HW, on Facebook and Scrolling through Jimi Hendrix. Now although I love Jimi Hendrix, scrolling through videos of him is not that important. So thats why I say most of what we do online is pointless.

    It seems as if we both point out completely different view points but in some ways they are both right.

    Anyway, thanks for the comment :)
