Friday, September 11, 2009

HW #3

I Think the advancement in technology has been very useful and convenient. It has had many upsides but has also had some downfalls to it. Many people let the new technology available to them take over there lives. Many people spend most of their day texting on their phones or on the computer. I think that the technology is very useful but like everything else should be used in moderation. I enjoy being able to communicate quickly through the internet with multiple people at once but I don't think thats the only way you should communicate. I think people who spend most of their time at the computer are losing social skills and it will hurt them in the future. I think that a balance of both is useful and harmless. I don't think that the new technology is the problem but the way that people use it is a problem. People need to make sure they don't let certain technology rule their lives. 
The creation of Myspace, Facebook, AIM, etc. have allowed people to basically live off of their computers. These social networking websites have made it so that you can communicate with multiple people at the same time so they hardly socialize in person and don't have much contact with actual people face to face but instead just talk through the internet. Another issue the advancement of the internet presents is people pretending to be someone who they are not and having a fake identity. The internet has provided us with many useful utilities but many people abuse the luxury that is provided. It is not the technology that is causing the problem but it is the way that people use it. 

I think that things such as texting and ipods and other mobile handheld devices many times remove people from reality. Many times people are so wrapped up in their devices that they don't pay as much attention to their settings as they normally would. I myself do this many times with my ipod. I many times don't pay attention to things around me and it can be potentially dangerous. Many people blame this on the devices that people have but again I think this is the fault of the individual I think people should have self control and know when the right time to use their electronic devices is.

Overall I find the new technology very useful and convenient and I support it. I think the problem lies in the people who overuse it and abuse. I think this is a question of self control. New electronic technology should be used but only in moderation just like everything else in life.


  1. Omar :),

    Your first post on the blog was great! I like how you keep tying back to your main argument which it keeps reminding me what your whole text is really about. It is also very helpful in terms of readability that you separate the post into paragraph form.

    Your perspective in this post is basically saying that people should not blame on the technologies’ progression but our obsession over these new electronics and digital relating products. You think that these advance technologies are very helpful in terms of convenience, and if we used them in moderation, they are just fine as the way it is for our lives. Additionally, you point out some negative effects of these digital creations on people that many of us are losing our social skills because we tempt to socialize online more than face to face.

    I find your point of view slightly similar to Esther’s perspective, that people are obsess with these technologies that we are falling into this trend of digitals and advance technologies. However, I think your argument is very crucial that we should not just blame the inadequacy of the digital phenomenon but self evaluate of our own mistakes. It is a great point, because if we did not overused these devices, there will not be a great issue other than just the progression of the technology.

    Overall, I think the argument of your post is strong with examples and they are well organized with tie back sentences. To make it even better, I think you could build up from what you already have and lead to further significant arguments. Because overall, the big argument that I see from your post is that it is our fault for overuse the devices, and not necessary the technology’s fault. Perhaps my question to your post will lead you to further thoughts (basically I just reverse your argument): What if we did not overused it, do you think people will still have a fake identity in the digital world? If yes, then is it the overuse/obsession the main cause of the issue (weak social skills, masks…etc.)? OR when you mean balance (1st paragraph), can you specify that a little bit more? Basically, be more specific, and think about the alternatives of the argument.

    Before reading this post, I have to admit that I kind of blame the progression of the technology for being very fast and addictive. Afterward, you make me reconsider my thoughts on this topic and start to realize my own faults for overusing it. Since we are the one who get to choose either we want to use it or not, it is really not the technology’s fault. The post sort of make me think how as human beings, we all like to blame the others for our own mistakes. This is one of the great examples that reflect human nature of doing that (blame)!

    Thanks for writing a great post with strong arguments that I never thought of. I am looking forward to your further thoughts about this topic.

    bao lin

  2. Wow. Let me just say that was a really good blog. I have low standards in general but I think was very well said, I wish you can bring this up in class more. I guess its easier to put words on a computer than actually saying it, no?

    I see that in your post you start off by saying you support digitalization then go off by saying it has some "downfalls" to it. Is it that technology is merely developing that theres nothing to worry about? or is it that it just doesn't seem that much of a threat therefore it doesn't really matter. "I think that the technology is very useful but like everything else should be used in moderation" [Para 1]. This statement helps sum up your final opinion on the digital world, it shows how you support and reject the idea of digitalization like the majority of our class has.

    You spoke about how people get distracted by putting their ipods on and not realizing what's going on around them. I remember when we were on the elevator and the teacher [forgot her name] told you to turn off your ipod and you responded "I'm not in class though". I dunno this scene was the first thing that popped into my head when I read that paragraph. It just shows how we as people like to use our electronics in any time we can spare.

    your arguement overall is good. How humans need to stop abusing what has been given to them by others. maybe your can start to connect that with how some other people actually don't have technology. you can show how drastically different it is from eachother. That may help with how you're saying "people abuse the luxury that is provided" Basically give more connection so people understand and agree more.

    To tell you the truth before I read this post I thought it was going to be modern and simple. Tis simple, but I think you brought my thinkings to a new level. I've just been thinking that everyone is Digitally corrupted. I don't think I've realized it was our fault. Everything is our fault. you're post made me think a lot about it.

    Please bring your point up in class, I think it's very well said. especially the words "moderation", "Abuse", "Luxury". I look forward to your next posts, keep it up!


  3. Esther,

    I really appreciate the time and thought you put in to your comment. It's obvious you really read my post and actually put time in to it, thanks.

    I think you made a really good point that could strengthen my arguement when you said I should speak on the differences technology makes in people and connect my point to people who don't have the luxury that many others do(computers,ipods,etc.) Your right that would definitely help my post.

    When you bought the situation up with me and the lady in the elevator(i don't know her name either haha) it really made me think of how even though we may be aware of what digitalization is doing to us it doesn't necessarily mean that we are straying from the norm or really doing much to prevent it. I guess thats the next step figuring out what we can do in our own lives to prevent the negatives of digitalization from happening to us. Anyway these are some of the things your post made me think about.

    I think our thoughts or point of view on the subject are pretty similar. It seemed that you agreed but basically said to expand more and give more connections or better explanations and I think your completely right.

    I think both me and you agree that digitalization is both hurting and helping us. So my questions is: Is there away we can change our selves or what we do so that we are only complimented by are digital tools?

  4. Bao Lin,

    Thanks for the comment. It's obvious you really read my post, which I appreciate. You really outlined my whole arguement and really understood what I was saying. I'm also glad I was able to "make you reconsider your thoughts." As your comment really helped think about my post and the questions you posed.

    The questions you posed about me reversing my arguemnt and thinking about how it would be like without all this digitalization really made think deeper into what it would be like. I get lost in my thought many times with unanswerable questions like that. Thanks.

    Your comment made me think about the connection of digitalization and social issues such as a fake identity, trying to fit in, pop cultures affect on us, etc. I think digitalization just gives people more of an opportunity to make up a fake personality and be someone they are not, but it also gives people the chance to be true to themselves since it easier to open to a screen then a person. Also to clear my point up about a balance, I mean using the digital stimulation in moderation and balancing the use of electronics with "real world activities or physical activities.

    It seems as though I was only looking at our current problem and your comments helped me look at alternatives and how it would be different with out so much digitalization.

    I think we can both agree that digitalization is hurting us and this is a question I also posed to Esther, Do you think it is possible to have digitalization simply compliment us and help us with out the negatives?
