Sunday, September 27, 2009

video hw

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This was a pretty pointless video. I guess it shows how we basically spend a lot of our time doing very pointless and insignificant things because that is what I'm doing here, nothing. Seeing a video of myself really showed me how pointless what we do with digitalization can be, although it may seem important at times it ends up being very pointless.

I think I would like if my children did not use the Internet and other electronics as much as I did but I think as long as they are doing physical activities that it really isn't that big of a deal.

I think what we do on our digital representation device whatever it may be gives us a sense of false important. The time we spend on these things they seem to be the most important things to us and that is all we are focused on. DRD's give us a somewhat false sense of reality and can mix up our priorities if we allow them to.

I think things such as Wii are just a more extreme way of removing our selves from reality because although you are doing something physically the focus point is a computer and in some ways can be an excuse to use the video game more.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HW #7

ME: How would our society be different if we did not have the same digitalization we have now? Would it help or hurt more?

Dad(not word for word): Less digitalization would hurt more, but not much more because digitalization is not the main problem that people deal with. For people who can afford new electronic devices it is helpful but for people who can't it wouldn't make much of a difference. The problem is not that we don't have computerized school but that we don't have enough schools or that we don't have computerized hospitals but that there is not enough hospitals. It would make a difference but not to big of a difference.

My thoughts/summary

So digitalization is not really that big of a problem compared to other problems we have actually it's almost microscopic now that I think of it compared to other problems we have. It would make a difference if we lacked the digitalization we have now but realistically we have much more important things to worry about.

Monday, September 21, 2009

1st comments (i forgot to post on my blog before)

Bao Lin,

Let me start by saying that was an amazing post. You bring some really deep and important ideas that I Think go unnoticed by many people. The things you bring up in this post are some of the same ideas that I have(theres so much in my head its hard to organize my thoughts, thats why its not in my blog). I'm referring to the point you make that electronic devices are another way that pop culture updates whats "in" now and makes people feel left out if they don't have this stuff. I also think you bring up a very interesting a true point when you speak about people having real and fake identities online.

Basically in your post you go into depth on how the digitalization of the new age is a tool that pop culture uses to make people spend money on things to try to fit in. You also talk about how people can have different identities online a point I touched on in my post. Overall your post critiques the use of digitilization but notes that it is very addictive and useful.

I think the point you bring up about people and who the "really" are is something that we can have a whole class on by itself. This connects to so much. Pop culture, interaction of humans, etc. I think that what your saying about people trying to fit in is something we see all the time and in a way we are all guilty of it to different extents.

I guess the next step to this post would be trying to figure out an alternative or figuring out how people should use the new electronic devices we have. Is it possible to have these things without abusing them? Is it possible to have these electronics without them having some sort of negative affect?

This post deals with a lot of questions I ask myself just in a different context. Im refering to you asking about our true identity the affect pop culture has on us, etc. This post made me reconsider how many things really are a tool of pop culture and it had me wondering how guilty I am of trying to fit in even though I consider myself aware and not as guilty as others(if that counts for anything haha)

Thank you for such a deep post. I look forward to seeing what you have to say about the questions I asked and in general your view on our future topics. :)

SEPTEMBER 17, 2009 6:42 PM


Your post is really organized and to the point(something my post lacks haha). I like the style of writing you used. The example you used just reminded me of hundreds of similar situations I've had. I think your view is spot on and your completely right that most people if not all are "digitally corrupted."

You basically say that we are all corrupted by digitalization whether we realize it or not. You note that it is "human progress" but overall it's corruption(completely agree).

The situation you described about brushing your teeth and being pulled towards facebook sounds like something I constantly do(except i live in no stairs haha). It's kind of crazy how we all let digitalization take over our lives even though many of us are aware of the damage it can potentially do or is currently doing.

I think the next step of this post would be expanding on your points, taking it to the next level whatever you think that may be(im interested in reading). Also I think you should explore the question of what we would be like with out all the digitalization we have and how we can make the situation better considering the situation we are currently in.

This post was kind of like another wake up call to me on how I let myself get caught up in unnecessary things such as facebook when I could spend time with friends, or exploring other things in life. It made me think of how I spend my time and although I consider myself pretty aware of the corruption around us, this made me wonder how I can take my ideas and actions to another level.

I really enjoyed your post. I look forward to your answers of my questions and your future posts. :)

September 17, 2009 6:59 PM

Friday, September 11, 2009

HW #3

I Think the advancement in technology has been very useful and convenient. It has had many upsides but has also had some downfalls to it. Many people let the new technology available to them take over there lives. Many people spend most of their day texting on their phones or on the computer. I think that the technology is very useful but like everything else should be used in moderation. I enjoy being able to communicate quickly through the internet with multiple people at once but I don't think thats the only way you should communicate. I think people who spend most of their time at the computer are losing social skills and it will hurt them in the future. I think that a balance of both is useful and harmless. I don't think that the new technology is the problem but the way that people use it is a problem. People need to make sure they don't let certain technology rule their lives. 
The creation of Myspace, Facebook, AIM, etc. have allowed people to basically live off of their computers. These social networking websites have made it so that you can communicate with multiple people at the same time so they hardly socialize in person and don't have much contact with actual people face to face but instead just talk through the internet. Another issue the advancement of the internet presents is people pretending to be someone who they are not and having a fake identity. The internet has provided us with many useful utilities but many people abuse the luxury that is provided. It is not the technology that is causing the problem but it is the way that people use it. 

I think that things such as texting and ipods and other mobile handheld devices many times remove people from reality. Many times people are so wrapped up in their devices that they don't pay as much attention to their settings as they normally would. I myself do this many times with my ipod. I many times don't pay attention to things around me and it can be potentially dangerous. Many people blame this on the devices that people have but again I think this is the fault of the individual I think people should have self control and know when the right time to use their electronic devices is.

Overall I find the new technology very useful and convenient and I support it. I think the problem lies in the people who overuse it and abuse. I think this is a question of self control. New electronic technology should be used but only in moderation just like everything else in life.