Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hw 49

A. My role in the movie was to play a "goon" or follower of the main trouble maker of the class. My part did not require me to say much and I think the reason my part was included was to somewhat mock the "bad" kids and also a tough kid looks much tougher when he has followers. I spend most of the film on my ipod and not paying attention to whats going on in the class. The only other thing I do is say "yeah" after what Evan, who played the main bad kid, says. This was simply a mockery of the films we watched in which the bad kids were portrayed as these very serious characters instead we were more realistic and basically detached from the rest of the class and any interaction was an argument or a way to get attention.

B. The message of our film is that the teacher cant always save the students and sometimes the teachers cant even save themselves. This goes deeper into the question of who we leave to educate our students. It is not common that there is teacher who can truly get through to a student and interest them in the topic. Although it is also uncommon for a teacher to spiral out of control in the way our film showed all the other super teacher films were extreme cases. Our film showed the other extreme. It shows the stress and the affect that the system both teachers and students work and live under has on people.

C. As i said in the previous paragraphs all the super teacher films we watched showed cases of extreme "success" in getting through to students. Our film was the complete opposite and it shows that the reality is that not all teachers are good. One could argue most are shitty. However the reality is that teachers are not exempt from the stress of the education system and the stress that students feel can just as easily break a teacher.

D.Many people become teachers to make a difference to feel as though they are doing something good with their lives. A teacher has the power to truly change the view points of a student however whether or not a teacher is changing the students perspective on life for the worse or the better is a different question. When you step back and take a look at it, ti seems pretty absurd that there are a few people that we give the power to educate our "future" a teacher can just as easily ruin a students mindset as they can change it for the better.

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