Thursday, April 8, 2010

HW 46

"The night is dark and I am far from home" is a book by Jonathan Kozol discussing the inequalities of the education system in the United States. He focuses in on the racial inequalities and the reasons that they exist. He argues that system in itself is racist and meant to serve the state and produce efficient workers. He shows that the education system is not meant to help the poor but simply turn them in to workers. He argues that the kind of education we have now will not truly educate most of the minority students and he calls for an immanent form of education rather than the traditional transendence method.

This book connects directly to my topic. I am exploring the reasons that racial inequalities exist in our school, and what it would take to get rid of them. The entire book is on this topic.

I think that Kozol makes many valid points throughout the book yet his solution is not one that could realistically succeed in removing the racial inequalities of the education system. One of his major points which is that the system is not meant to help educate minority students but simply turn them in to workers is very true. To eliminate the racial inequalities changes would have to happen in many different institutions and in the system as a whole.

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