Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hw 41
This artical is about affirmative action in california and how it was ruled illegal a while back. This is articles about 10 years old and it was also written by naima's(in our school) dad which is pretty cool. The article is extremely long its more like an essay and it deals with the inequalities that exist in the high school system which naturally connects to inequalities in college, this article specifically deals with the California school system.

Affirmative action within it self has many issues. These are race issues and others may argue that they hold back students with higher skills. However this article highlights the very significant inequalities between people of color and white people. It shows the significant decrease in the amount of minorities in college. Although I do not agree that affirmative action is a solution to racial inequalities this article is very interesting and does a very good job and exposing the racism of the educational system and provides hard facts.
This is an essay on the racial inequalities in the United States. They have a section that deals with the education system and the racial inequalities int he education system. The emphasis of this section is that our education system has flaws at its base and that the problems are not the tests or the students but the problems all stem from the education system.

This essay focuses on the unjust education system however it fails to notice the effect of the bigger society on individuals. It puts the blame on the education system but fails to recognize the most significant problem which come from capitalism. This article does provide good statistics and effectively shows the major flaws of our education system.

This article focuses in on the failure of reform and the lack of equality when it comes to opportunity for students. The article focuses on racial differences as well as failures of the public education system as a whole.

This article does a very good job at showing that the inequality in the education system comes from the situation kids are born in to. It shows that students do not have the same opportunities and therefore the fall behind in skills and their education.

Works cited
"Criticism of Public Education - Inequality of Opportunity, Highly Bureaucratic Systems, Achievement-Based Outcomes, School Choice, Reform after Reform", Paul Kohler,

"Challenging Racial Inequality in Education:One School's Response to the End of Affirmative Action", Pedro Noguera, March 14, 2000

"Education and racial inequality", Nicolas Miller Restituto, 2005

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